
Asiakkaiden kommentteja:
Pekka Salo, Kuusisto:
"Rakennuspalvelu Antti Mäkelän kanssa kaikki sujui todella mallikkaasti alusta loppuun saakka, loppusiivousta myöten."

Andrew Chapman, Turku:
"I am very pleased with the interior renovation work throughout the apartment! I am really impressed by your ability to do all the custom jobs that we asked. I think your approach that allowed me be involved with the project was most unique. It is really important for me to be involved to co-create the perfect living space. I couldn't be more happy with the results- The home office desk is cut perfect. The crown molding looks wonderful. The kitchen tile + finish looks great and the new sliding door is fantastic! I highly recommend your service to anyone that needs a quality build. We will certainly be calling you with future projects!"

Omakotitalot valmiina ja lopputarkastettuina Yli-Maaria Turku 2018, Merinuorikkala Raisio 2019, 2020 ja 2022, sekä Järviniitty Raisio 2024.